We don't like change. The idea of permanence gives us a sense of security. We strive to make our lives as secure as possible, to ensure that the basic necessities of food, water, clothing, and shelter are always within reach. We work and try to save up as much as we can to secure ourselves.
To you and I, having a breakfast, lunch and dinner feel like a common and inevitable thing, but it is sad that there are people in this world for whom something as basic as food is not a permanence.
As we achieve some level of security, we seek out more and better luxuries, working tirelessly to make them a permanent part of our lives. The ladder keeps continuing up and up and up. Bigger and better things attract us, and then we get to the grind of making them permanent. Its no longer a quest to fulfil our "needs" of survival, but to make our new found luxuries permanent.
Permanent, permanent and permanent. It clouds our senses but the reality is, the only permanent thing is impermanence. It is often met with resistance because it forces us to confront the uncertainty of the future, the fragility of life and our own mortality.
Impermanence is the truth that all things are in a constant state of change, and nothing in life remains the same. Even things that seem to us as everlasting-- are also changing, but at a scale that is difficult to fathom with our short lifespans. Our relationships, friends, jobs, achievements, success and life itself keep on changing. Embracing the truth of impermanence can bring a deeper appreciation for life, a heightened sense of gratitude, and a more meaningful existence.
All too often, we are caught up in the past, dwelling on regrets and mistakes, or we are worried about the future, anxious about what may come. But, when we recognize the impermanence of life, we understand that the present moment is all we have. It is the only moment that is real, and it is the only moment that we can truly experience and enjoy. Embracing impermanence helps us to focus on the here and now, and to be fully present in our experiences, which leads to a more fulfilling life.
All this is easy to say, easy to read and then, easy to forget. --
*Oh life is impermanent, great. My girlfriend left me, I lost my job, but I should accept the impermanence and try to enjoy life?*
During our own suffering, whatever that may be, it is difficult to accept these abstract sounding ideas. So what if something is impermanent, its still difficult and scary. Yes it is.
To help with this, it can be helpful to think about your life from a third-person perspective and to engage in self-discovery . By stepping back from your own experiences and thinking about them as if they were happening to someone else, you can gain a better understanding of the impact they are having on your life. You didn't lose your job, this other guy did. Oh he also got dumped. What will this guy do now? Think of what is going through his mind. He is loosing self confidence. He is sad, heartbroken and so much more. But now what should that guy do? Spend another month staying the same way? or would you encourage him to take another small step.
As for self-discovery, I wrote about this recently, read it here.
In conclusion, the truth of impermanence may be scary and difficult to accept, but embracing it can bring a greater appreciation for life, a more meaningful existence, and a greater ability to focus on the present moment. By thinking about your experiences from a third-person perspective and engaging in self-discovery, you can better understand the impact of impermanence on your life and find a way to navigate the challenges it presents.